We’ve made very positive progress since the last post and all our fixes have landed in stable, so you should see the benefit today! Please do let us know your latest timings. It’s a huge help.
There is still further to go of course, but luckily we still have 2-3 promising routes to bringing the start times down even further.
I’m really impress with this improvements, in Ubuntu 22.04 with snap FireFox 102.0.2-1 in my Thinkpad t14s gen 1 went from a cold start of 4-5s to 1.3s this is amazing! (no extensive testing)
Thanks for all the work!
I hope that all the learning is reflected in documentation of good practices and how to optimize snaps and that also all the improvements also work for the entire snap ecosystem
Firefox snap broken in Guest Account on Xubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)
As I couldn’t find any other place mentioning this problem with Firefox snap, I’ll mention it here. If any body know a more appropriate place I’d be happy to hear it.
My laptop is sometimes used by visitors. They want to browse the internet. So I setup the guest-account. I found out that the Firefox snap is broken on guest-accounts.
When opening Firefox nothing happens. When starting FF from the command line of the guest-account I found out the following:
$ firefox
2022/07/12 00:46:01.906615 tool_linux.go:82: cannot open snapd info file “/snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/info”: open /snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/info: permission denied
Did anybody come across this problem or is it being resolved?
Is Xubuntu using (or enabling the use of) LightDM?
It’s probably a problem with the guest session running under a very restrictive apparmor profile that doesn’t even allow snaps to start. And it looks similar to this old thread on the snapcraft forum.
It may be old, but not obsolete. Guest sessions still come in very handy.
Now that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is retired, users are forced to lose using their guest-session abilities.
That’s why it has become un-circumvent-able now and a prominent problem.
I found multiple bugs, dating back 6 years that point out the problems, but don’t get fixed.
And that path might become unavailable when the snap is refreshed. I’m not sure how xfce4-panel works, but it should probably detect when the desktop file is overwritten, and refresh the corresponding icon. Can you file an upstream bug for this, and share the link to it here?
Yes indeed. The message is a bit misleading, because closing the app won’t automatically update it. I know that the snapd team intends to improve this user experience though.
Firefox keeps disappearing from my desktop, because the frequent snap updates remove the panel Icon each time. XFCE cannot change this, so logging a bug over there is not constructive.
I just fixed the annoying message: "Pending update of “firefox " snap” Close the app to avoid disruptions.
And added an Icon again.
And now a new identical message is displayed againg already: "Pending update of “firefox " snap” Close the app to avoid disruptions.
This will be happening again and again and again and again and again…
Judging from the pace of progress and attitude towards the filed bug reports (6 years old) this will not be fixed any time soon, and according to the attitude toward the bugs probably never.
Because of the repetitive nature of the bugs, Firefox snap is very high maintenance in Xubuntu 22.04 LTS.
As I am a mere user I have done what I can do in aiding with contributing to getting things better. The only way I can triage the problems myself with a definite fix, would be to get back to dpkg managed Firefox. However now that 16.04 LTS is retired, that bridge seems to have been burned in Ubuntu and we’re stuck with snap in Xubuntu 22.04. We’re stuck with an ongoing triage again and again and again…
Doing the same thing over and over again
but expecting different results.
Is the definition of Insanity according to Albert Einstein.
To fix that, you have to close Firefox, open the Snap Store, and there press the “update button” to update Firefox. The other alternative is to close Firefox and wait until Snapd does another round of updates check, so it gets automagically updated.
I don’t know if Snapd does a check for the specific PID that has to be updated, and when it is killed, do an update in that precise moment… Also, probably a more specific message would be good too.
How do you know this cannot be fixed in XFCE’s panel? Other desktop environments don’t have a problem with snap applications’ desktop files, so I wouldn’t be so prompt in dismissing an interaction with xfce4-panel that could potentially be solved there. This is not something I have the time to investigate right now, but I’m making a note to look into it when time permits. In any case, having a bug to track the issue would be useful, because it’s easy to lose track of individual issues in long threads like this one.
Yes, this is a sub-optimal user experience, it is a confusing message. The snapd team is very much aware of it and are working on improving it.
And your constructive feedback is very much welcome. Thanks for it! Your frustration is understandable too. Please understand that with a finite amount of developers’ time it’s a game of priorities, and some issues might not be receiving the attention you personally think they deserve.
The Firefox snap does not create any files on the desktop. And it is also not removing any files from the desktop.
If you have problems with icons, you have very likely copied the file /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop. The file /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop is pointing the Icon entry to the image in the currently installed Firefox snap:
# for example
The icon can be shown as long as the path to the image exists. Because it is a copy, the content will not be changed.
To avoid this issue, you can either create a symlink to /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop or you can change the line in your copy
# from
# to
As far as I understand it, the file /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop is created from snapd.