Does this mean we can upgrade our hardwar drivers via Ubuntu Software?

Got a notification that I had an pending update (which I thought was disabled because of Software Updater). Upon opening and reading I was surprised to see it was my wireless keyboard and mouse. I have using the same since getting my system back in 2013, and this is first time seeing an update for it. Is this something new to 17.10? If so I don’t think I have seen it documented. Also does this mean we can update our firmware as well?

Yup, that’s a new feature in fwupd 0.9.5 and greater.

fwupd 0.9.5 and new goodies

We now support for updating Logitech peripherals over a protocol helpfully called DFU, which is not to be confused with the standard USB DFU protocol. This allows us to update devices such as the K780 keyboard over the Unifying layer. Although it takes a few minutes to complete, it works reliably and allows us to finally fix the receiver end of the MouseJack vulnerability. Once the user has installed the Unifying dongle update and in some cases a peripheral update they are secure again.

fwupd has supported other devices for longer, including the ColorHUG. I updated it via Ubuntu Software in 16.04 LTS.


Oh neat, I didn’t know fwupd made it into Ubuntu. Thanks.