Desktop Team Updates - Monday 7th February 2022

  • LAS - website updates, worked with @bwyazel to get out the cfp
  • gh snaps:
    • gnome-dictionary: worked lightly on wip pr. The state is that even with a pin’d version of meson (or master) we still hit a redundant declaration build failure. Also created github mirror in LP and pointed the LP snap builds at it.
    • gnome-font-viewer: Created github mirror in LP and pointed the LP snap builds at it. Updated it to core18/gnome-3-38 and debugging in local builds. (needed a pin’d meson version, will continue debugging efforts to finish updating)
  • Interviews
  • Looked at ubuntu telemetry connection… wrote some python to do the connection and querying (private repo)
  • Lined up Indaba for end of Feb - topic will be LAS (and probably some Akademy and GUADEC updates) with Aleix and Kristi.