Desktop Team Update - Monday 2nd September 2019

  • CUPS/cpdb-libs: Needed a lot of time to find the cause of the autopkg test failure but finally found out what happened. The CUPS libraries is not setting the global default values for local CUPS server, port, domain socket file, … Reported an appropriate upstream bug and applied a workaround to cpdb-backend-cups. Released cpdb-backend-cups 1.1.1 and uploaded it to Eoan to get the autopkgtest of cpdb-libs working again. Reported 3 more CUPS upstream issues while working on this.
  • cups-filters: Released 1.25.4 upstream and synced from Debian into Eoan. Contains the page geometry fixes from last week.
  • ghostscript: Backported my page geometry fixes from last week from upstream into the Eoan package.
  • network-manager: Backported upstream patch to not prefer FT-PSK when it is only supported by supplicant but not by the Wi-Fi interface or driver (Merge Proposal).
  • Google Summer of Code 2019: Final Evaluations are completed. From 5 students for OpenPrinting 4 have passed.
  • Bugs.
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