- CUPS: 2.3.0 is finally out! And the licensing resolved! With more than one year or 3 Feature Freezes of delay it appeared on Fri, August 23, the day after our Eoan Feature Freeze. The license solution is that the Apache 2.0 license gets an exception added which allows linking with (L)GPL software, so cups-filters and other software using the CUPS library does not need any license change. See also bug 1841295.
- cups-filters: Fixed a small bug in the sample PPDs so that the autopkg tests of CUPS 2.2.12 do not fail, released upstream version 1.25.3 for this, packaged for Debian and Ubuntu.
- cups-filters: Several fixes concerning the page geometry of output pages generated in CUPS/PWG Raster: Decentered page output with Gutenprint driver, no borderless printing when borderless page size is requested, when printing a photo directly it is not rotated to best fit the page, let imagetoraster filter not call discontinued imagetops and pstoraster filters. Will soon make a release for Eoan.
- Ghostscript: In the CUPS/PWG Raster output device also fixed decentered page output with Gutenprint driver, and no borderless printing when borderless page size is requested. I will backport my patches to Eoan’s Ghostscript.
- cpdb-libs: Worked on finding out why the autopkgtest is failing since CUPS 2.2.12, especially found a bug of the CUPS backend not working when printer sharing is turned off.
- foomatic-db: Re-established auto-generation of daily snapshots on the upstream server, synced current version from Debian for Eoan.
- Google Summer of Code 2019: Final evaluations of the students by the mentors. The two students who I have mentored have done great work and I have let them pass the final evaluations. Most probably the other 3 students for OpenPrinting will also pass.
- Bugs.