- Lots of bug triage and user support in Launchpad and upstreams. Backlog stats are here.
- Proposed reinstating EGLDevice support (Nvidia 470 Wayland) since it bitrotted in 2023. Nvidia 470 is still a supported driver in Ubuntu and required by a small number of GPU models.
- Proposed a fix for frozen mouse pointers on hybrid machines using Nvidia 470.
- Triple buffering: Fixed some conflicts from upstream, and started working through new code reviews.
- Finally got Noble gnome-shell update 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.1 unblocked and rolling out to everyone.
- Uploaded a new screen lock crash fix for Noble.
- Spent time investigating the Steam launch failure but haven’t yet found any bugs that can be attributed to the shell.
- Preparing to interview more Desktop Software Engineers. Join us!
- It was a short week due to unexpected home repairs.