Designing Mycroft Plugins to Search Amazon with Ubuntu Reference code

I wanted to support Ubuntu but didn’t want to see that Amazon link every time I open up my gnome shell, so I was working on an alternative (at least for my own usage).

The bundled Amazon link in the menu goes to:

and I’m assuming the ?tag=u1webapp-20 is Ubuntu’s Amazon reference, so that the project gets some money when we make purchases on it.

I was wondering if adding the ?tag=u1webapp-20 to searches will also work and provide Ubuntu with revenue. For example:{searchTerms}

I’ve made 3 Mycroft plugins (these are plugins for the Firefox search bar) with the above synthax for Amazon US, CA and UK. (install the second one)

See the following post for the links (CA and UK links).

Can someone some at Canonical who deals with the Amazon stuff check and let me know if this actually helps you or not. If not, I’ll just delete the plugins.

These are the UK and CA ones: