Deploying MicroStack, I get the error "Timed out while waiting for application 'microk8s' to be ready"

I’m trying to install MicroStack, but it’s stuck on the microk8s deployment, dropping out by the following error:

$ sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage

Management networks shared by hosts (CIDRs, separated by comma) ( 
MetalLB address allocation range (supports multiple ranges, comma separated) ( 
⠏ Deploying MicroK8S ... Timed out while waiting for application 'microk8s' to be ready

Error: Timed out while waiting for application 'microk8s' to be ready

Running sunbeam with the -v switch:

           DEBUG    Running command /snap/openstack/324/bin/terraform apply -auto-approve -no-color                                          
⠹ Deploying MicroK8S ... [21:10:45] DEBUG    Command finished. stdout=data.juju_model.controller: Reading...                                                          
                    data.juju_model.controller: Read complete after 0s [id=055c3c7f-2b1e-45d1-8ff0-bffb975c6683]                                                       
                    juju_application.microk8s: Refreshing state... [id=controller:microk8s]                                                                            
                    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.                                                                                         
                    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration                                                                         
                    and found no differences, so no changes are needed.                                                                                                
                    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.                                                                                        
                    , stderr=                                                                                                                                          
⠏ Deploying MicroK8S ...            DEBUG    Application 'microk8s' is in status: 'maintenance'                                                                            
⠏ Deploying MicroK8S ... [21:13:45] WARNING  Timed out while waiting for application 'microk8s' to be ready                                                            
           DEBUG    Finished running step 'Deploy MicroK8S'. Result: ResultType.FAILED                                                          
Error: Timed out while waiting for application 'microk8s' to be ready

I see you filed bug LP #2047024 for this. Thank you. If you look over existing bugs you will find other timeout related issues. It is unclear to me at this time whether these are symptoms of the same root cause.

In my case, I think there was a connection issue to the terraform registery, or something like that; As I installed the MicroStack successfully after routing server’s traffic through a proxy.
The problem was occuring during deploying microk8s; It would be meaningful if you add some connectivity checking as a debug report.