Dash to Panel

I’ve had a small conversation with an ubuntu Australia follower in regards to Dash to panel.

He says “I have installed 17.10 on a friends computer . She didn’t like the dock much or D2D so I let her try Gnome Session . Once again not very happy so I asked what are you looking for in a UX . Her reply was windows 7 meets OSX . So Dash to Panel to the rescue . She loves ubuntu now” .

So I’m thinking should ubuntu ship with this extension as an option for windows 7 users ?
What are our thoughts on options ?

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We only support one main option, the combination of multiple options is making this difficult, create bugs, and unforseen behaviors (this is only about the Dock, imagine the impact on documentation, screenshots, video and tutorials).

The good news is that people, as you can see, can still tweak that to their need. So, basically, the idea is to ship a default configuration we think is the best for most users, and then, let users who like to do more and really care tweaking as they want (but may end up with unforseen bugs)