Recently there was a change in the layout of the site, and from that, as I noticed that there is no topic talking about here, I will leave my suggestion for the site: the creation of a dark mode, like the one in the photo below:
I would like to know the opinion of the staff and the moderators and administrators of the site on this.
There is already one.
Click on the image of your user -> Preferences -> Interface -> Theme.
I just checked, applied it, but it was a little strange:
I still insist that the new look against a darker background would look good:
Dark theme of this forum is horrible, shoulded be updated.
The mere option of dark theme is a huge boon, so thank you – appears there’s been some slight adjustments made, because my is not appearing jet black as in the screenshots above. This is easy on the eyes in an otherwise dimly lit room after dark. I’ll take it. Thanks.
Deployed a little Focal Fossa 20.04 VM today (2 vCPU, 2GB RAM) and things have been operating wonderfully. Handles DNS blacklisting for my entire network, as well as acting as a Wireguard VPN server for access to my local resources while out and about (although that’s much less so these days). Thanks!