Creating an Event Topic

Are you planning on hosting an Ubuntu event? Follow these simple steps to create your event topic and have it listed on the community events calendar:

1) Getting Started

The first step is to create a new topic within the Events category. Be sure to add a helpful title that best represents what your event is all about (e.g. “Ubuntu Pennsylvania Meetup”, “Ubuntu Install Party at GNOME University”)

Under optional tags, add the “event” tag along with other relevant tags, as this helps with search visibility and will make your event easier to find.


2) Event Details

To populate your event information, click on the gear icon on the topic toolbar and choose Create Event. Then proceed to fill in all the relevant event details including your scheduled times, visibility, reminders and recurrence. If your event is being hosted on our Indico site, please add it to the URL field. Once you have all the relevant fields filled, click the Create Button.

A new block of markdown will now appear in your topic draft that the Discourse will use to display the fancy interactive widget once you post your finished topic.

3) Final Touches

Before you publish your event topic, make sure you have provided all the important details:

  • Location (Address, Directions, Transportation Options, etc.)
  • Topic or theme of your event
  • Special accommodations
  • Friendly reminder about the Ubuntu Code of Conduct


And anything else you want folks to know about your event. Be descriptive and let people know why it’s an event they won’t want to miss!