Connecting to an old session

If an anbox instance session has been running for a while I often fail to be able to rejoin the session.

I get a message saying:

Session is not active yet. Connecting... 

And I can see a 400 status as it tries to call .../api/sessions/......./join

So far only stopping and starting the instance seems to fix it. Is there a way to kick the session and rejoin it?

Hey @al-p ,

sorry for the late response!

In case you still have that problem, can you provide us some more information on what version of Anbox Cloud you run and if you’re running the Anbox Cloud Appliance, the output of

$ sudo anbox-cloud-appliance.buginfo

If the session cannot be joined it seems like it got stuck somewhere. The information from above will help us to troubleshoot your problem.
