Coller acelera ao abrir Google Chrome


Meu idioma é português brasileiro então peço desculpas pelo inconveniente.

Tenho notebook Dell Inpiron 7460 com o ubuntu 18+04 LTS com processar I7 16Gb/RAM SSD 250 Kingston placa de vídeo GForce 940 MX.

Ocorre que quando acesso o Google Chrome o coller da placa de vídeo Nvidea acelera muito e sou obrigado a utilizar outro navegado.

Alguém já passou por algo parecido?

Agradeço apoio desde já.
José Dantas,
Watsapp 55 48 9 9998-2096 |

Tradução Google:


My language is Brazilian so I apologize for the inconvenience.

My Dell Inpiron 7460 notebook with Ubuntu 18 + 04 LTS I7 16Gb / RAM SSD 250 Video Card Kingston GForce 940 MX.

Click to get Google Chrome or your video card panel.

Have you ever had anything like it?

Thank you in advance for your support.
José Dantas,
Watsapp 55 48 9 9998-2096 |

I might be wrong and maybe I misunderstood your problem but if you’re trying to watch a flash video you should have the option to enable- disable video acceleration by clicking right on the video.

I’ve moved this to the category because this site isn’t designed to take tech support questions. Sorry. I’d recommend using one of the official support channels listed on the page

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