Cloud-init status - 04/06/2021

Hello cloud-init

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and
highlights for any interesting subjects from cloud-init upstream. If
you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at
the #cloud-init channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up
and use the cloud-init mailing list
cloud-init discourse hub for more


Cloud-init SRU in-progresss for version 21.1-19-gbad84ad4 targeting Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and 20.10. Verification is almost complete for this release. To see details, see cloud-init SRU bug


  • add hamalq user (#860) [hamalq]
  • Add support to resize rootfs if using LVM (#721)
    [Eduardo Otubo] (LP: #1799953)
  • Fix mis-detecting network configuration in initramfs cmdline (#844)
    (LP: #1919188)
  • tools/write-ssh-key-fingerprints: do not display empty header/footer
    (#817) [dermotbradley]
  • Azure helper: Ensure Azure http handler sleeps between retries (#842)
    [Johnson Shi]
  • Fix chef apt source example (#826) [timothegenzmer]


  • lxd.ip: better instance name match and parsing of lxc ls output
    (GH: #129)
  • Xenial LXD VMs: do file pull/push via sftp (#134)
    [Paride Legovini] (GH: #133)

Contact the cloud-init upstream developers