Oh boy, here we go.
Please prepare for maximum hell.
First off, the Deepin desktop is awesome. But you cant say “apt install dde”, you need to use their repository here. However, you must use qt above 5.6, so you can use Ubuntu 17.04 - 18.04, where you can download it, but with 18.10, there is no RELEASE file, blocking it.
But, if for some reason, you installed it, deepin will treat itself like installed the “xubuntu-desktop” package instead of the “xfce4” package-it will try taking over. It will install its display manager/login window. You can easily prevent this by when it asks, to stay as gdm.
Everything works smooth, until you switch out of the Deepin DE.
When I tried it on a VirtualMachine (since I did it once on a real machine to try again and get around the issues), for some reason it also changed my default file manager from nautilus to its deepin-file-manager.
Also, in the startup log by hitting Esc on bootup, it will try to play it’s startup sound on startup and shutdown on shutdown. It won’t succeed however.
So techincally, you could get around those two issues, but of what its trying to do, then I recommend not installing it for now. If you do, then you would downgrade to 18.04 if you haven’t, install, then reupgrade. (And dont forget to change the config.) Since changing the config requires sudo, you are putting your full system at risk of it being taken over.
If we did to a Ubuntu Deepin remix, at this point we would need to look at Manjaro’s Deepin Remix. But they use different package managers, so it would end up probably being a team effort with the Deepin team itself.
But yes, the Deepin Desktop looks beautiful. I would love to use it. I feel you.
EDIT: After writing this, I looked at the repository, and there was a drive link for Ubuntu Bionic, and it showed a Ubuntu Bionic Deepin spin ISO. Just saying, but I wouldn’t really recommend it.