Can't type upper-case letters or use the backspace key in 16.04 or 18.01

I have tried to use both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.01 running in a Hyper-V version 6.1.7601.17514 environment.

I load either Ubuntu version and I can login to both versions using upper and lower-case letters with special characters without any trouble so I think the Hyper-V/Ubuntu connection is working.

I get to the Ubuntu desktop and open a LibreOffice Writer session and start typing.

I can type lower-case but not upper-case and the backspace and Tab key won’t work. There may be others but I haven’t run across them yet.

I have checked the keyboard settings in 16.04 and they are set to US but each time I try to check the keyboard settings in 18.01 the system logs me out and I have to login again but still can’t get to system setting.

How is it that I can login to Ubuntu using upper and lower-case letters and special characters during the login process but not use them once Ubuntu desktop has loaded?

Also, why does it keep logging me out?


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ps: there was no January release this year (18.01); I think you mean 18.04 (2018.April)

Sorry, didn’t realize. Thank you,

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