Bug in 20.04 - help identify the problem

Good day, after the 27/02 or 28/02 updates I’m suffering from this 2 problems:

  • Libreoffice can’t open files in remote shares, the system says that don’t have any app to open the file and wen I choose libwriter it opens the files. So to open a remote file via nautilus or via libreoffice I’ve this type of message on the screen.

  • Thunderbird, when traying to save a file in a remote folder it behaves like this:

  1. If no .doc it saves the files
  2. if a .doc file is in the remote share it crash.

I’ve a full update 18.04 machine and this don’t append. So can someone point me out a way to debug this for me to I properly fill a bug?
Thks in advance