Bugs can be reported here.
Information Required to Include in a Bug Report
When submitting a bug report, please attach system log coming from the journal:
- $ journalctl --no-pager > system-log
Moreover please include the following information:
- Bluetooth adapter information
- List of paired devices
- State of the Bluetooth kill-switch
- The HCI trace
Bluetooth Adapter Information
$ sudo hciconfig -a
List of Paired Devices
$ bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]# show
[bluetooth]# devices
[bluetooth]# info <mac addr of any device you have problems with>
State of the Bluetooth kill-switch
$ snap install wireless-tools
$ sudo wireless-tools.rfkill list
Note that the rfkill command is a part of wireless-tools snap.
The HCI Trace
The HCI trace is a snapshot of the communication between the Bluetooth host (software stack) and the Bluetooth controller (the chip). The btmon tool can be used to capture such for both live debugging and saving it for later. Note that the HCI trace needs to be captured at the same time the Bluetooth issue occurs.
When btmon is executed without any parameters, it will offer live debugging which will print in a ‘tail -f’ fashion an ongoing exchange of the commands and events between the stack and the chip. It is possible however to make it save the data in the snoop format which can later be viewed using for example Wireshark.
Now, for live debugging:
$ sudo btmon
For saving it later in a .snoop format:
$ sudo btmon --write ~/hcitrace.snoop
In case you are saving the .snoop file under the home directory make sure that the bluez snap has the home interface connected.
$ sudo snap list interfaces
If not, then connect it
$ sudo snap connect bluez:home :home
Alternatively you should be able to save the file into a snap-writable folder such as either ~/snap/bluez/common or /var/snap/bluez/current.
The nice thing about btmon and how it works is that it is possible to have several versions of it executed simultaneously. This allows capturing logs as in the last example in one shell and viewing it live in another.