As vehicles become more connected, they require more security than ever before. Being able to manage remotely a car or a fleet of vehicles is becoming mandatory for manufacturers, operators and users.
This requirement doesn’t come without challenges. As most of the software in a vehicle relies on different suppliers, it’s difficult to have components interact with one another. And this is just for the in-vehicle part. Imagine having to connect different vehicle models from different manufacturers to a common backend.
In one of our recent blog posts, we go through the different challenges related to fleet management and how OEMs can move from a complex issue to a simple solution.
Read it here and tell us what you think!
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I am curios as to how much attention dealers are paying to these factors when choosing a DMS. Great article, the future possibilities are mind boggling.
@systemology first of all thank you for your comment!
Actually, when only considering the dealerships, I imagine that for new vehicles it’s interesting for them to have a clear view as to where the vehicles are (as well as in what status) in order to anticipate storage and deliveries, as well as informing customers.
It also makes sense to have multiple storage facilities in the future versus storing all of the available vehicles at the same location (this can allow for a lot of savings actually). You can see it as a dispatch of static vehicles (since they will probably be moved using trucks).
The same can be said for used vehicles.
Where new and used vehicles may diverge here is in the number of brands available, in a sense that the diversity to be handled offboard is probably higher for used vehicles (multiple brands, models, generations, technology, etc).
In that case, either the dealership relies on “legacy” approach and information (in person counting and maintenance check for example) either it relies on aftersale components that enable access to some connected data (usually limited). This comes with a cost as well.
I can see potential, very exciting! I do think it will take educating dealers to narrow the current gap between business execution and innovation. For OEM’s that have already or are moving to an agency model, that should certainly be of interest to have that clear birds eye view.
Absolutely. It’s even more true with the announcements from multiple OEMs to move towards an online-only approach (positive way of saying dealership-less approach).
Companies need to focus more on customer satisfaction and dealerships are probably the best places to generate this trustful relationship. The rest of the time a customer interacts with an OEM is for maintenance or mechanical issues (not the most positive experience).