Automated Server installation

Thanks for the very positive feedback @zero0ne. I have incorporated this information in the documentation improvements we already have started for Subiquity.

I am using quite successfully the new automated installation procedure, but I have a problem with the proxy settings.

If the proxy is in the interactive section, that info is not saved on disk, so after reboot I have not a proxy setup for APT.

The result is, of course, different if I am doing a standard install and the specified proxy, during the installation, is saved also on disk.

Is there any bug open about that?


I’m wondering if it would be possible to leverage autoinstall and possibly cloud-init for some more custom install configurations … Pretty much everything I build is a root-on-zfs setup, leveraging zfsbootmenu for the system boot. That then finds zfs pools with datasets with kernels and presents a menu for booting. zfsbootmenu is Very Slick.

This is my root-on-zfs builder

The build process involves typical disk partitioning etc. zpool creates the zfs pool from the disk(s), and the datasets are mounted to /mnt/builder. debootstrap drops a basic install there, then a chroot process does the rest.

Given an appropriate config, I think autoinstall could prep the disk(s), but would then need specific commands to create the zfs pool/datasets and so on. Once the system is bootable, I think cloud-init might be able to do the rest.

Right now that script is interactive, but can use an answer config file. In fact there is a packer setup to enable building bootable disk images too. Somehow, this should be able to be translated into the autoinstall/cloud-init world …

23.10 will have ZFS improvements. A guided option will be available for ZFS root in the Desktop installer (no encrypted ZFS yet, next on the list). Also, it will be possible to trigger ZFS root with guided partitioning on server with autoinstall. This produces a similar result to the ZFS setup Ubiquity produces.

    name: zfs

For further customization, it will be possible to use curtin storage actions for ZFS/Zpool objects on any of the 23.10 subiquity installers (or older ISOs with snap refresh). Curtin storage actions are a bit verbose so if that’s something you’re interested in, you may find it convenient to first to a guided install to get a template, copy the template from /var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data, and make further tweaks.

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That looks interesting, thanks. So it’s possible to play with the new installer in a 22.04/10 server iso via a snap refresh ?

Yes. You can start today if desired with the following in autoinstall:

  update: yes
  channel: beta

Now specifically 22.10 hasn’t been tested since that one is EOL, but 23.04/22.04/20.04 should be good shape (I’ve tested guided ZFS installs via autoinstall on Focal and Jammy).