AsRock X570 Steel Legend WIFI - No File Sharing

Ubuntu Version:

Ubuntu 24.04.2

Desktop Environment (if applicable):

Ubuntu Desktop

Problem Description:

I want to share Music files between an AsRock running Ubuntu 24.04.2 and a Gigabyte 990 FXA-UD5 running the same OS. The AsRock has sound for a while and then it goes away and then after an update comes back and then stops again, while the 990 FXA just works and works.. I enabled sharing on both of my Ubuntu 24.04.2 machines. Each machine is set for the defaults of Music, Video and Pictures. They are on the same network splitter (I also ran one on the splitter and the other on WIFI). I use the splitter because I believe that the wired connection is faster. The splitter is a 1 to 2. I also installed Samba but then purged it after it did not work as configured and the Ubuntu file sharing sounded so easy. I had OpenSSH installed on both machines at one time but purged those packages also. I have used nmap, ip, and ping so I can see the other machine. I have a Calix GigaSpire BLAST router and I don't see any settings that would prevent file sharing. I have not used journalctl because I don't know what to look for. I am not sure how to troubleshoot file sharing on Ubuntu. Thanks for your help.

Relevant System Information:

# System Details Report
- **Date generated:**                              2025-02-26 15:36:05

## Hardware Information:
- **Hardware Model:**                              ASRock X570 Steel Legend WiFi ax
- **Memory:**                                      64.0 GiB
- **Processor:**                                   AMD Ryzen™ 9 3900X × 24
- **Graphics:**                                    AMD CEDAR
- **Graphics 1:**                                  NVIDIA P106-100
- **Graphics 2:**                                  NVIDIA P106-100
- **Disk Capacity:**                               2.0 TB

## Software Information:
- **Firmware Version:**                            P5.60
- **OS Name:**                   ```                  Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
- **OS Build:**                                    (null)
- **OS Type:**                                     64-bit
- **GNOME Version:**                               46
- **Windowing System:**                            X11
- **Kernel Version:**                              Linux 6.11.0-17-generic ```

What ports were open?

I am using UFW on both machines and only port 1813 is open. Looking at the at the sharing pages I did not see that any ports need to be open. I have sense disabled UFW and from the X570 machine I can access the Public folder on the 990FXA machine, but from the 990FXA I cannot connect to the X570 machine. It just shows a dialog saying it is connecting with a Cancel button, I eventually click the Cancel.

This is most likely your problem.

Installing Samba should install this UFW profile featuring this rather essential bit:


Assuming that’s there, you can just sudo ufw allow samba and it should just work.