AppArmor causing application inside LXD container to crash

I’m trying to get the application signal-desktop running inside an LXD container.
Graphics-wise I’m using wayland, and pass-through the wayland socket as proxy via bind-mount.

signal-desktop is an electron app, apparently based on some chromium related code.

The app crashes inside the LXD container with (wayland debug output enabled):

[2073146.492] wl_display@1.delete_id(36)
[2073146.512] wl_display@1.error(wl_display@1, 1, "invalid arguments for wl_shm@4.create_pool")
[620:1127/] libwayland: wl_display@1: error 1: invalid arguments for wl_shm@4.create_pool

Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

On the hypervisor I see the following messages:

[610779.738989] audit: type=1400 audit(1701117927.016:405): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_receive" class="file" profile="lxd_forkproxy-waylandsocket_chat_</var/lib/lxd>" name="/dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.Nkdyfp" pid=3587566 comm="lxd" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=1000 ouid=17701000
[610779.761540] traps: signal-desktop[3706370] trap int3 ip:562a702dee1d sp:7ffc3f0ce090 error:0 in signal-desktop[562a6f407000+785e000]

So, it seems apparmor causes the application to crash, as it denies it access to some shared memory space.

Normally, I’d assume I “just” need to allow the application access to /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.*.

However the “application” apparmor is denying access to does /not/ appear to be signal-desktop but lxd - at least that’s how I interpret the dmesg-messages on the hypervisor.
I wouldn’t want to just enable this for all and everything, but only this very container - or even better - only this application (signal-desktop) inside this particular container.

How do I get signal-desktop running inside an LXD container using wayland, without degrading security for other applications / containers?

Hi @wc-ubuntu,

Can you please post the output of lxc info, as well as the configuration of your container (lxc config show <container> --expanded) and any manual steps you have taken to install and run signal-desktop.


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Installation of signal-desktop by adding the apt source deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] xenial main and installing package signal-desktop.

LXC container was Debian bookworm and is now upgraded to Debian trixie - no difference.

Within the container I symlink /dom0/socks/wayland-0/run/user/1000/wayland-0

signal-desktop is being launched by: signal-desktop --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform-hint=wayland

lxc config show chat --expanded:

architecture: x86_64
  boot.autostart: "false"
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Debian buster amd64 (20190709_05:24)
  image.os: Debian
  image.release: buster
  image.serial: "20190709_05:24"
  security.idmap.base: "17700000"
  security.idmap.isolated: "true"
  security.idmap.size: "100000"
  security.nesting: "true"
  volatile.base_image: 917dbf3684690e16fb6f5f0b087d411bfe391a45044322c6d95b8eb72234b75a
  volatile.eth0.host_name: vethd6969010
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:6b:73:0b
  volatile.idmap.base: "17700000"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":17700000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":100000}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
  volatile.uuid: 8be452f1-8e35-4a20-a974-0921a061f786
    name: eth0
    network: br-lxc
    type: nic
    gid: "1000"
    type: gpu
    uid: "1000"
    path: /
    pool: thinpool
    type: disk
    bind: container
    connect: unix:/run/user/1000/wayland-1
    gid: "1000"
    listen: unix:/dom0/socks/wayland-0
    mode: "0660"
    security.gid: "1000"
    security.uid: "1000"
    type: proxy
    uid: "1000"
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

lxc info:

  images.auto_update_cached: "false"
  images.auto_update_interval: "0"
- storage_zfs_remove_snapshots
- container_host_shutdown_timeout
- container_stop_priority
- container_syscall_filtering
- auth_pki
- container_last_used_at
- etag
- patch
- usb_devices
- https_allowed_credentials
- image_compression_algorithm
- directory_manipulation
- container_cpu_time
- storage_zfs_use_refquota
- storage_lvm_mount_options
- network
- profile_usedby
- container_push
- container_exec_recording
- certificate_update
- container_exec_signal_handling
- gpu_devices
- container_image_properties
- migration_progress
- id_map
- network_firewall_filtering
- network_routes
- storage
- file_delete
- file_append
- network_dhcp_expiry
- storage_lvm_vg_rename
- storage_lvm_thinpool_rename
- network_vlan
- image_create_aliases
- container_stateless_copy
- container_only_migration
- storage_zfs_clone_copy
- unix_device_rename
- storage_lvm_use_thinpool
- storage_rsync_bwlimit
- network_vxlan_interface
- storage_btrfs_mount_options
- entity_description
- image_force_refresh
- storage_lvm_lv_resizing
- id_map_base
- file_symlinks
- container_push_target
- network_vlan_physical
- storage_images_delete
- container_edit_metadata
- container_snapshot_stateful_migration
- storage_driver_ceph
- storage_ceph_user_name
- resource_limits
- storage_volatile_initial_source
- storage_ceph_force_osd_reuse
- storage_block_filesystem_btrfs
- resources
- kernel_limits
- storage_api_volume_rename
- macaroon_authentication
- network_sriov
- console
- restrict_devlxd
- migration_pre_copy
- infiniband
- maas_network
- devlxd_events
- proxy
- network_dhcp_gateway
- file_get_symlink
- network_leases
- unix_device_hotplug
- storage_api_local_volume_handling
- operation_description
- clustering
- event_lifecycle
- storage_api_remote_volume_handling
- nvidia_runtime
- container_mount_propagation
- container_backup
- devlxd_images
- container_local_cross_pool_handling
- proxy_unix
- proxy_udp
- clustering_join
- proxy_tcp_udp_multi_port_handling
- network_state
- proxy_unix_dac_properties
- container_protection_delete
- unix_priv_drop
- pprof_http
- proxy_haproxy_protocol
- network_hwaddr
- proxy_nat
- network_nat_order
- container_full
- candid_authentication
- backup_compression
- candid_config
- nvidia_runtime_config
- storage_api_volume_snapshots
- storage_unmapped
- projects
- candid_config_key
- network_vxlan_ttl
- container_incremental_copy
- usb_optional_vendorid
- snapshot_scheduling
- snapshot_schedule_aliases
- container_copy_project
- clustering_server_address
- clustering_image_replication
- container_protection_shift
- snapshot_expiry
- container_backup_override_pool
- snapshot_expiry_creation
- network_leases_location
- resources_cpu_socket
- resources_gpu
- resources_numa
- kernel_features
- id_map_current
- event_location
- storage_api_remote_volume_snapshots
- network_nat_address
- container_nic_routes
- rbac
- cluster_internal_copy
- seccomp_notify
- lxc_features
- container_nic_ipvlan
- network_vlan_sriov
- storage_cephfs
- container_nic_ipfilter
- resources_v2
- container_exec_user_group_cwd
- container_syscall_intercept
- container_disk_shift
- storage_shifted
- resources_infiniband
- daemon_storage
- instances
- image_types
- resources_disk_sata
- clustering_roles
- images_expiry
- resources_network_firmware
- backup_compression_algorithm
- ceph_data_pool_name
- container_syscall_intercept_mount
- compression_squashfs
- container_raw_mount
- container_nic_routed
- container_syscall_intercept_mount_fuse
- container_disk_ceph
- virtual-machines
- image_profiles
- clustering_architecture
- resources_disk_id
- storage_lvm_stripes
- vm_boot_priority
- unix_hotplug_devices
- api_filtering
- instance_nic_network
- clustering_sizing
- firewall_driver
- projects_limits
- container_syscall_intercept_hugetlbfs
- limits_hugepages
- container_nic_routed_gateway
- projects_restrictions
- custom_volume_snapshot_expiry
- volume_snapshot_scheduling
- trust_ca_certificates
- snapshot_disk_usage
- clustering_edit_roles
- container_nic_routed_host_address
- container_nic_ipvlan_gateway
- resources_usb_pci
- resources_cpu_threads_numa
- resources_cpu_core_die
- api_os
- container_nic_routed_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_mode
- resources_system
- images_push_relay
- network_dns_search
- container_nic_routed_limits
- instance_nic_bridged_vlan
- network_state_bond_bridge
- usedby_consistency
- custom_block_volumes
- clustering_failure_domains
- resources_gpu_mdev
- console_vga_type
- projects_limits_disk
- network_type_macvlan
- network_type_sriov
- container_syscall_intercept_bpf_devices
- network_type_ovn
- projects_networks
- projects_networks_restricted_uplinks
- custom_volume_backup
- backup_override_name
- storage_rsync_compression
- network_type_physical
- network_ovn_external_subnets
- network_ovn_nat
- network_ovn_external_routes_remove
- tpm_device_type
- storage_zfs_clone_copy_rebase
- gpu_mdev
- resources_pci_iommu
- resources_network_usb
- resources_disk_address
- network_physical_ovn_ingress_mode
- network_ovn_dhcp
- network_physical_routes_anycast
- projects_limits_instances
- network_state_vlan
- instance_nic_bridged_port_isolation
- instance_bulk_state_change
- network_gvrp
- instance_pool_move
- gpu_sriov
- pci_device_type
- storage_volume_state
- network_acl
- migration_stateful
- disk_state_quota
- storage_ceph_features
- projects_compression
- projects_images_remote_cache_expiry
- certificate_project
- network_ovn_acl
- projects_images_auto_update
- projects_restricted_cluster_target
- images_default_architecture
- network_ovn_acl_defaults
- gpu_mig
- project_usage
- network_bridge_acl
- warnings
- projects_restricted_backups_and_snapshots
- clustering_join_token
- clustering_description
- server_trusted_proxy
- clustering_update_cert
- storage_api_project
- server_instance_driver_operational
- server_supported_storage_drivers
- event_lifecycle_requestor_address
- resources_gpu_usb
- clustering_evacuation
- network_ovn_nat_address
- network_bgp
- network_forward
- custom_volume_refresh
- network_counters_errors_dropped
- metrics
- image_source_project
- clustering_config
- network_peer
- linux_sysctl
- network_dns
- ovn_nic_acceleration
- certificate_self_renewal
- instance_project_move
- storage_volume_project_move
- cloud_init
- network_dns_nat
- database_leader
- instance_all_projects
- clustering_groups
- ceph_rbd_du
- instance_get_full
- qemu_metrics
- gpu_mig_uuid
- event_project
- clustering_evacuation_live
- instance_allow_inconsistent_copy
- network_state_ovn
- storage_volume_api_filtering
- image_restrictions
- storage_zfs_export
- network_dns_records
- storage_zfs_reserve_space
- network_acl_log
- storage_zfs_blocksize
- metrics_cpu_seconds
- instance_snapshot_never
- certificate_token
- instance_nic_routed_neighbor_probe
- event_hub
- agent_nic_config
- projects_restricted_intercept
- metrics_authentication
- images_target_project
- cluster_migration_inconsistent_copy
- cluster_ovn_chassis
- container_syscall_intercept_sched_setscheduler
- storage_lvm_thinpool_metadata_size
- storage_volume_state_total
- instance_file_head
- resources_pci_vpd
- qemu_raw_conf
- storage_cephfs_fscache
- vsock_api
- storage_volumes_all_projects
- projects_networks_restricted_access
- cluster_join_token_expiry
- remote_token_expiry
- init_preseed
- cpu_hotplug
api_status: stable
api_version: "1.0"
auth: trusted
public: false
- tls
  addresses: []
  - x86_64
  - i686
  certificate: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  driver: lxc | qemu
  driver_version: 5.0.3 | 8.1.2
  firewall: nftables
  kernel: Linux
  kernel_architecture: x86_64
    idmapped_mounts: "true"
    netnsid_getifaddrs: "true"
    seccomp_listener: "true"
    seccomp_listener_continue: "true"
    shiftfs: "false"
    uevent_injection: "true"
    unpriv_fscaps: "true"
  kernel_version: 6.5.0-4-amd64
    cgroup2: "true"
    core_scheduling: "true"
    devpts_fd: "true"
    idmapped_mounts_v2: "true"
    mount_injection_file: "true"
    network_gateway_device_route: "true"
    network_ipvlan: "true"
    network_l2proxy: "true"
    network_phys_macvlan_mtu: "true"
    network_veth_router: "true"
    pidfd: "true"
    seccomp_allow_deny_syntax: "true"
    seccomp_notify: "true"
    seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd: "true"
  os_name: Debian GNU/Linux
  os_version: ""
  project: default
  server: lxd
  server_clustered: false
  server_event_mode: full-mesh
  server_name: thar
  server_pid: 2527
  server_version: 5.0.2
  storage: lvm
  storage_version: 2.03.16(2) (2022-05-18) / 1.02.185 (2022-05-18) / 4.48.0
  - name: btrfs
    version: 6.3.2
    remote: false
  - name: dir
    version: "1"
    remote: false
  - name: lvm
    version: 2.03.16(2) (2022-05-18) / 1.02.185 (2022-05-18) / 4.48.0
    remote: false

I also couldn’t get this to work for wayland. But I did get it to work with X11 using this profile

I appreciate the alternative, but my main objective is to get it working with wayland and also to understand how LXD and apparmor work together (or don’t)

When you add a proxy device to the container (waylandsocket) there is a new apparmor profile created under /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/security/apparmor/profiles (when LXD is installed through the snap, otherwise different dir). Looks like this profile is blocking access to /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.Nkdyfp through the proxy device.

It doesn’t look to be LXD who is trying to access something here, instead some application inside the container fails reading a file which gets blocked by apparmor on the hypervisor.

You can try tweaking the apparmor settings using
Please follow up here with any findings or if LXD isn’t doing what it is supposed to do.