Anyone still use the "Free software only" - Install option?

It’s an option during bootup that disables restricted/multiverse. Instructions to use do it are [1] and all it really does is [2]. The intent (in my understanding) is to give a user a quick way to say “we don’t want to see” any proprietary software.

This doesn’t work for several reasons:

  • If you are really trying to do no firmware/microcode - this doesn’t work as some - microcode is not mostly included in main (blame spectre if you must)
  • All Snaps show up (which we should give an open source only option - but I’ll leave that to the other thread)

Does anyone still use it? If so, what’s your motivation?

[1] see full instructions on the QA page:

[2] apt-setup/restricted=false apt-setup/multiverse=false
This is the equivalent of enabling the “Free Software Only” boot mode. This will disable the restricted and multiverse repositories at the earliest stages of the debian-installer. This can be helpful is you don’t need them at all or don’t mirror those repositoriesat your local mirror.’


I don’t use it personally but I think it’s a great option to have so that people can easily have a completely free Ubuntu if they’d like and it’s a good way for people to potentially test how well Ubuntu is doing on that front, how well it’s progressing as an OS when only free software is used.

I agree that any flaws in the current system need resolving like no Proprietary snaps should be shown and no microcode should be used, though I don’t know how this should be done by the install option.

I share @ads20000 's opinion even if I don’t use this feature either.

Also, not proposing Proprietary snap is a valid concern. Could you please file a bug against gnome-software so we can see if anything can be done in gnome-software or the installer (or both)?

Thank you.

Sorry, meant to link to the threads/bugs for Snap licensing options

I do! I don’t proprietary software.

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