After doing updates changeble OS interface changes color and size and gets slower

Hello everyone,

I’ve been a while without using Ubuntu and was trying to install MonoDevelop on Ubuntu 17.01.
I’ve been a while trying to install and only followed the installation commands and was getting errors due to broken packages and tried to install them but with no success, it was always saying that I had broken packages. After that, I installed some updates. After restarting, the interface for changing the OS on boot suddenly changed from purple to black, got a tiny bit smaller and much but much slower. I pressed the down and up arrows but it took a long time. Eventually, I was without control and got to the system settings but it now takes a longer to change in between the options and would like to know if someone could help me with this information.
If there is the need for me to give more information about this I may provide.

Thanks in advance,
Diogo Matias