About the Server category

A place to discuss Ubuntu Server.


There are lots of places to discuss Ubuntu Server.

Here is one of them.

Here are some others:

  1. Ubuntu Forums: This is the official forum for the Ubuntu community, where you can find discussions on a wide range of topics related to Ubuntu Server. You can post questions, share your experiences, and connect with other Ubuntu users.
  2. Reddit: The Ubuntu subreddit has a dedicated community of users who are interested in Ubuntu Server. Here, you can find discussions on troubleshooting, installation, and configuration of Ubuntu Server, as well as news and updates about the latest releases.
  3. Ask Ubuntu: This is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users, where you can ask and answer questions related to Ubuntu Server. You can browse through existing questions, or post your own questions and get answers from other members of the community.
  4. Ubuntu Server Guide: This is the official documentation for Ubuntu Server, which provides detailed information on installation, configuration, and management of Ubuntu Server. You can use this guide as a reference, or ask questions related to the guide in the Ubuntu forums or other communities. This forum Also helpfull for those who want to explore the world.
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Please don’t post to this topic, which is merely used as the category description.

Use of the existing server topics, or open a new topic.