Tried to install Lubuntu 19.04 daily, but the installer got stuck at 33% trying to install locales. What I wanted was to install Lubuntu 19.04 daily and install Unity on that., and also to check if the “former” Lubuntu is still available in 19.04.
Then tried to install Lubuntu 18.10 on both MBR and UEFI laptops, but got the same result as before. So, tried the next in line, Lubuntu 18.04, and that got installed in a breeze.
Updated it and then changed the repo from bionic to cosmic, updated and upgraded it to 18.10. Quite a lot of KDE and QT packages were installed. Interestingly, I booted into the former Lubuntu DE. Then changed the repo to disco and updated and upgraded it. Still, I booted back into the former Lubuntu DE.
Rebooting again, I checked at login, the top right corner on the panel to see how many DEs/WMs available – Lubuntu-qt, Lubuntu-gtk, Openbox and Plasma. Out of them, Lubuntu-qt didn’t boot. Not much of a problem.
Hint: if anyone wants to use the former Lubuntu, they can just ignore the different DEs and WM, and keep on booting normally to the known Lubuntu with 19.04 base. Just put your password and click Enter.
I chose Plasma, and booted into a beautiful DE, quite a snappy one. Changed lightdm to sddm. I could quite easily boot to either the “former” Lubuntu-gtk or Plasma. Later uninstalled Lubuntu, the gtk and the qt parts of it, and rebooted only to Plasma. Openbox is still there, but can’t be booted, as the configurations are not there (or taken off) in Lubuntu. I’ll add the configurations to Openbox later.
One might say, no need to go to so many steps to install Plasma DE, just install Kubuntu, but I wanted to see if the former Lubuntu is still available in 19.04. The former Lubuntu was without all kinds of extra stuff, such as KDE apps, just Openbox with a DE. The new Lubuntu is kind of a mix, somewhat bloated.
Kwin in Plasma is a snappy WM, just like Openbox in the former Lubuntu.