A prompt manager with a status bar and more

Hi, I’m sort of new here, but been around Linux since 2001. I studied CS at university and worked on the kernel among others… On my second day in university, I applied to be a Linux lab admin, and was then administering the lab from my 1st week in university till the end.

I’m here trying to find a place to promote tools/scripts I use. As I was maintaining a lab in university (2003-2008), I make my configs reusable, generic, I think they should be used/promoted by distro. Being an Ubuntu user, I searched for the community and here I am. As an example, a while ago I made promptmanager, a bash script to create a themeable prompt:
Sorry for the screenshot being under OSX.

I have a few more tools useful for anyone, but no life changer, so no one really look for and try them. So this is my first attempt to advertise such tools.


p.s: I’d like to know if the Design category is the right place for hopefully reaching the people at Ubuntu who can promote such tool, or there is a better place ? I was sort of pointed community, but here seems a better place.

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