24.04: Disk encryption not available during install if using a partition and not full disk

Is there a way to bypass this limit when installing 24.04 ?
Maybe formatting via terminal/gparted before launching the installer ?
I want a dual boot but full disk encryption instead of encrypting the home folder only

I just want to be clear because across the landscape of flavors there is more than one installer: this is for vanilla Ubuntu, right?

No one would ask you these sorts of questions if you filled out the template presented when posting a question here. Just saying…

Yes, vanilla. It’s a known issue.
I read that maybe unity flavour is ok with that

Link to this known issue?

Do you want to call it “missing feature” instead of issue ?

I do not do dual booting so there may be an option to install alongside another OS but maybe not if goal is to encrypt a partition with this new 24.04 installer.

I use LVM on custom partitions and the 24.04 installer does not play nice unless LVM, or encryption can have the whole disk.

Perhaps you could install 22.04 and then upgrade? In my experience the 22.04 installer can see custom partitions. It’s been a while since I installed Xubuntu 22.04.

I know 22.04 can do it but id like to avoid that extra step.
I was wondering if I can partition first using encryption and then run the installer.
There must be a way

I remember seeing a discussion somewhere on Ubuntu Forums about the fact that the installer for 24.04 no longer has the option for manually encrypting partitions.

Choosing to erase and use the entire disk with encryption obviously still works.

Sorry, was not able to find the thread.

However, there is a way to encrypt partitions post-install which is discussed here.

Obviously, make sure you have excellent backups before attempting this and also my caveat which is that I have not tried this method.

You do so at your own risk.

In the end I might have found a solution:

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Glad you found a solution. The new installer does make it a lot easier to install alongside Windows.