2019, week 9 in Multipass

Hey All,

It’s been a few weeks since the last update to the happenings of Multipass, so let’s get started.

During the week of February 18, we had a face to face Sprint in Malta in which we discussed upcoming plans along with some actual hacking real work :slight_smile:

Bugfixes and features

  • Work towards using the core18 base continued (#596). Last known issue to add a core16 channel to allow recovery of libvirt based instances that are suspended.
  • Made the host network communication more robust. (#611)
  • Updated the grpc 3rd party code.
  • Enable passing cloud-init config via stdin
  • Fix a crash
  • Continued work on the our system tray menu (#565)
  • Lots of time and effort working around issues on our Travis CI.
  • multipass shell <instance_name> will now start the instance if it’s not running.


We’re slowly building up our documentation library - we’d love to know what topics you’d like to see there. Just leave a comment under the outline and we’ll see what we can do.

Getting it

On snap-enabled Linuxes, just snap install multipass --classic --beta.

Installers for macOS and Windows 10 are published on our GitHub page.


Please let us know here or on GitHub about your experience with Multipass! See you there :slight_smile: