I was on my first +1 maintenance shift last week. I mainly worked on some universe packages, avoiding numpy and llvm-toolchain migration clusters as those are already being worked on actively.
This package was affected by a GPR copy bug due to which it was failing to build. I reported the bug [1] and found the fix upstream [2]. Using this, I created an Ubuntu MP [3] which was later merged.
[1] Bug #2097249 “python-cobra autopkgtests failing on plucky” : Bugs : python-cobra package : Ubuntu
[2] Fix the GPR copy in Python 3.13 by cdiener · Pull Request #1412 · opencobra/cobrapy · GitHub
This was a simple fix for failing autopkgtests by bumping the version number to 1.0.134. I have reported the bug on debian [4] and will submit the fix.
[4] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1095988
This package was affected by the tests outputting to standard output stream and thus being considered a failure according to autopkgtest docs [5]. I enabled allow-stderr [6] and the tests passed. I have submitted a bug [6] and will be pushing the fix to Debian.
[5] https://people.debian.org/~eriberto/README.package-tests.html
[6] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1095990
Some packages that I’m still working on or close to fixing are emscripten, py3dns and aad-auth [7].
[7] Bug #2098516 “aad-auth: failing autopkgtest on plucky” : Bugs : aad-auth package : Ubuntu
And that was all for the past week. Thanks for reading!