
[Pattern] Mandatory Form Fields This work aims to improve accessibility and resolve inconsistencies around field validation. The way we indicate mandatory fields and the way we deal with erroneous submissions can be made more usable for users with or without assistive technology (AT). [Pattern] Key/Value pair It is a design pattern to list a number of values with their corresponding keys. It’s a component required when listing properties for a complex element in a collection of similarly grouped elements. [Pattern] Empty states State zero or the empty state is the moment in the app where there is no data to display in the UI. Team The Web and Design team is led by Peter Mahnke. CLI Guidelines The CLI guidelines are Canonical’s best practices around designing command line tools and console UIs. [Pattern] Search and Filter Component This is the category for [Pattern] Search and Filter Component [Pattern] Modular Side Navigation Component Patterns and components that are defined becomes a category on their own with detailed guidelines and examples on how to use them across Canonical cloud products and websites. [Pattern] Code snippet Pattern for how we display code to users in the Vanilla framework. Patterns (discussions) Propose and discuss repeatable and reusable patterns from the Web and Design team , that are (re)used across Canonical cloud products and websites. [Pattern] Notifications Design a consistent pattern for delivering Notifications to users across our websites, web apps and administrative views. [Pattern] Modular Table Component Patterns and components that are defined becomes a category on their own with detailed guidelines and examples on how to use them across Canonical cloud products and websites.
Topic Replies Views Activity
1 4194 November 4, 2020
1 1575 May 22, 2021
4 1749 October 7, 2023
4 1253 February 24, 2020
4 1084 September 2, 2023
0 553 April 13, 2023
0 548 April 13, 2023
0 522 April 11, 2023
0 629 February 9, 2023
0 2882 February 25, 2021
1 1008 July 28, 2022
0 828 November 5, 2021
0 1204 June 29, 2022
0 3999 March 3, 2022
0 1817 May 25, 2021
0 789 April 7, 2022
0 1083 September 1, 2021
0 990 March 26, 2021
0 1045 October 13, 2021
0 1219 October 13, 2021
0 922 October 13, 2021
0 1515 October 13, 2021
0 1050 October 13, 2021
0 832 October 13, 2021
0 884 October 13, 2021
0 903 October 13, 2021
0 826 October 13, 2021
0 2851 July 20, 2021
0 1116 December 14, 2020
0 1198 July 2, 2021