How-to guides

The following how-to guides provide step-by-step instructions on the installation, use, management and troubleshooting of Multipass.

Installation and deployment

Installing Multipass is a straightforward process but varies for each platform and may require prerequisiste steps. Refer to the how-to guide for your operating system for details:

Manage instances

Multipass allows you to create Ubuntu instances with a single command. As your needs grow, you can modify and customize instances as well as use and create blueprints for customized instances:

Manage Multipass

As your needs grow, you may want to customize Multipass itself. Use the following how-to guides to address a range of use cases, from managing Multipass drivers to configuring a graphical user interface:


Use the following how-to guides to troubleshoot issues with your Multipass installation, beginning by inspecting the logs.

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Hi @nielsenjared!

I’ve added your changes here. Thank you!

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