What would cause loss of port 50051 and use with multipassd.exe

I know it’s not a Multipass problem because I have been using two VMs with VirtualBox successfully, but multipassd.exe went down overnight and now something (not Hyper-V) will NOT release 50051 (in list of excluded port ranges (not administratively created)). I can use port 5001 as I have found online but … my registered service (under Computer Management) is still there and set to look for 50051.

I’m using this to create a background process:

Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
&multipassd.exe -V info --address localhost:5001 >console.out 2>console.err

And, then my cygwin user has a .bashrc entry:
export MULTIPASS_SERVER_ADDRESS=‘localhost:5001’

And, I can use multipass.

I have been running MicroK8S and I had a Persistent Volume Claim to my host. I realized that when I lost my VM I lost everything. I want to know if anyone has any idea as to what could have:

  1. killed multipassd.exe (not so important … as I left a RDP connection on from a laptop)
  2. what took over that port range after multipassd.exe died and was available to my registered service (Windows)

Thanks in advance for any help whatsoever


For reference, we’re dealing with @dlwhitehurst’s issue on GitHub:

Eu consegui resolver esse problema “Please ensure multipassd is running and ‘localhost:50051’ is accessible” Iniciando o serviço que estava parado pelo próprio Windows 10. Basta você pressionar as teclas Windows + R e depois digite “SERVICES.MSC” e procurar por “MULTIPASS SERVICE”
Depois de localizado, com o botão direito do mouse clique sobre o serviço e vá em “propriedade” e em “tipo de inicialização” coloque para “automático”, inicie o serviço e dê OK.
Depois só fechar a janela de serviços e só chamar o MULTIPASS LIST no Terminal do Windows.
Agora deve funcionar.