What happened to the Ubuntu server images?

Running the snap latest/stable (6.1) on Ubuntu 20.04 server, although I think this is irrelevant to my problem.

I tried creating an Ubuntu 22.04 image:

lxd-user@kerkyra:~$ lxc launch images:ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu2204
Creating ubuntu2204
Error: Failed instance creation: Failed getting remote image info: Failed getting image: The requested image couldn't be found for fingerprint "ubuntu:22.04"

OK, so then I ran

lxc image list images:

to see what’s available, and was shocked to only see only a couple of Ubuntu desktop images. I must be doing something wrong? Can someone help with the magic incantation to spin up an Ubuntu 22.04 server-ish image?


Hello Patrick,

You are not doing anything wrong, it’s just that we changed what we publish on the images: server.

The Ubuntu images on images: are indeed just desktop ones that we, the LXD team, build and publish for convenience. For Ubuntu Server images, you’ll be best served by looking at the ubuntu: remote which has all the officially supported server images.


lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu2204

Thanks for your help with this!

I notice now this is actually documented here; my eyes just glazed over the missing images:.