Variant C - Error management empty state

Variant C - Error management empty state


This scenario describes when there is no content available to show as a result of errors such as no server connection, entering the wrong page, or something went wrong with the http requests.

The look


When to use

Use this variation when troubleshooting is required. Include high-level detail and specific details to support the user.

Use cases:

  • Permission issue
  • System issue
  • Configuration required

This state should help users discover options to correct their issue. Providing a higher level description of the issue is helpful here. We want the users to understand and address the issues. Also provide guidance about why there is no data, what a user can do to address the issue, and inform in what circumstances would those data appear.

[Ref. from Jakob Nielsens: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors.]

Here are some common error management situations.

Error Type Explanation Suggestion
Permission issue Plain explanation that the user has no permission to view this data. Suggest which type of users can access this data or a process to request that access.
System issue Problems related to server connection or http requests that may prevent the user from seeing this data. Suggest a way to dig deeper into this issue such as seeing the logs or provide a primary action that may fix the issue such as ‘refresh’.
Configuration required There might be setups that are missing in the process or the configuration is not successfully completed. Explain that an additional step(s) may be required. Provide the first step and explanation that the use can take right away.


  • Discuss within your team and explore what information is available and what are some solutions.
  • Give users actional steps and guide them to an element that they need to click.
  • Be direct and precise with the language.
  • Address any sensitive or serious situation, if any. For instance, back up the file before this action.


  • If there are multiple things that a user needs to try, address them in a hierarchical order if applicable. So it is clear which action should be treated as primary.
  • Don’t include irrelevant content. Be contextual.
  • Don’t lead a user to a dead end.

