[Note: bug?] I think I fixed “No Network” showing in Plasma, when I actually had Connection. This prevented the system from upgrading.
Attempted online Upgrade from UbuntuStudio v22.04 to 24.04 on my desktop. ERROR / FAILED at installing Chromium browser. [bug? Suggestion: add option to install, so it can bypass] Do not want anything “google”. Shutdown computer.
Seems I have a partial install, and now NOthing can access the internet, even though “ip address” shows my interface “enp2s0” state is up!
Also have another Error, maybe should be another post under different heading - but maybe related. First thing I did was attempt running my Virtual QEMU and Error states “unsupported configuration, spice graphics are not supported with this version of QEMU”. Scratching my head and still researching this issue.
BTW: can’t run “wireless-info.txt” as there is no “Files / Preferences / Behavorial” tab. Can’t “RUN” a text file. From your page Network Connection Troubleshooting. Checked “Executable”, but Dbl Cliking just opens it in a text editor.
So, How do I make sure full Release Upgrade is completed, after getting system to connect to the Network?
So how do I roll back my failed partial install of v24.04 ? With NO Net Access??
I have backups, but only for Data which is in a different partition /home anyway.
Perhaps utilizing my USB stick which still has v22.04? But then I would also have to reinstall QEMU / Virtual Manager correct?
“As of this writing, this update is being propagated to the various Ubuntu mirrors throughout the world. The version of ubuntu-release-upgrader needed is 24.04.26 or higher”
Today is 09 Feb. 2025 and clicking direct download from the download page, as well as alternative downloads page, shows downloading v 24.04.1, which is apparently not correct. Are we correct in our assumption? (same byte size 7,250,200,576) If so, where can we find the 24.04.26 version? I wish to do a clean install, but cannot proceed until we know for certain of a valid download.
Also, will 3 years extend from now? Or only for 2 more years, till April 2027?
This only really applies when going from 22.04 to 24.04. The 22.04 upgrader gets the information from 24.04 to know what to upgrade as the maintenance on the package is done on the version being upgraded to.
So, used a USB ThumbDrive with UbuntuStudio v24.04.1 to install.
"We’re sorry, but we’re not sure what the error is. You can try restarting your computer
and start the installation process again. You can also report the issue.
To send an automated bug report including relevant debug information, please run
sudo ubuntu-bug ubuntu-destop-bootstrap
Ran code above in terminalm, which also Failed - “no pkgs found matching ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap”. Inputting Bug Report at Launchpad.
Standing by for next clue as to how to install UbuntuStudio 24.04 , since Upgrader Failed.
On 3rd attempt, selecting settings under Manual Installation - makes the whole “Disk Setup” window disappear. Does this give any indication as to what, and why, this is happening? Still can’t get UbuntuStudio v24.04.1 installed.
Also notice, may be relevant, under Edit Partition there is ONLY 4 mount points available.
No “/boot/efi”. If I manually type this in, does it count?
Any help would be very appreciated. Should I start another post?