Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix

You’re not.

Did you notice Linux Mint’s excess Cinnamon stuff? Mintstick, Mintdrivers, Mintsystem, Mint-x-icons, etc. ? This brings Cinnamon desktop AND ONLY CINNAMON DESKTOP to Ubuntu.

I hope we can also bring some other custom apps, such as blueberry, xed, xplayer, etc.

So Ubuntu Cinnamon is Linux Mint with no ‘mint’. That’s essentially it.


@chanath - please respect that @itzswirlz has the right to choose a communication method for his team that they feel fits their way of working. You’re at liberty not to use, it, but please be respectful that others have choices that don’t require political debate. Let’s keep things friendly, respectful and technical here.

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Of course, Joshua can use any app he likes. Also, he won’t be getting upset at me on anything I say. I am holding my fingers crossed for his Remix!

(About the Telegram matter, I just couldn’t help commenting. I don’t take what VK originators are telling as the truth. Telegarm, in itself is a politically oriented app/organisation, well, that’s what I feel. It is not a problem for me, if you use it, but I won’t, on principle. Won’t be touching off topic stuff in this excellent thread any more, even if I get provoked. )

I am going to ask to lock this thread for a day.

Guess you didn’t know that one can read this forum via email - Which I do. So, I got your original message.

I think select a distro and a desktop are different kin of things and this should explain all about all.

But this also expose some complexity hidden behind: As you try to run a desktop in a different distro, this is not free of problems. Then, have you the intention and the power to directly contribute to the Cinnamon upstream to fix anything that can occurs only in Ubuntu? Your plan is to fork Cinnamon to fix any kin of problems in case you need that or what will occurs when the problem appeared?

I can mention you some ubuntu problems that have not a good resolution in cinnamon:

Also take a luck to what happens with the screen saver in ubuntu some time ago:

This bugs are Ubuntu specific, they are not appeared in Mint.

Also In cinnamon there are hidden some places in the code that should be handled by the distro. Have you any plan to implement a solution to this type of things also?

Here an example:
Please note: /usr/bin/cinnamon-remove-application only exist in the Mint distro. So, this functionality is missing in Ubuntu.
More about that missing feature: https://askubuntu.com/questions/574657/can-i-enable-one-click-uninstall-on-in-the-cinnamon-menu

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Not exactly… We are just using Cinamon desktop and throwing it on Ubuntu

Yes well, that not answer what will happens when the problem will appear and to me is for sure that the problem will appear more sooner than later. Clement mentioned a lot of time that he is develop a desktop for Mint and only for Mint. Anyway he said that he don’ t have any problem if Cinnamon is installed in a different distro, but in case that the distro want to use Cinnamon, they should contribute to fix his own problems. The Cinnamon developers are few people, they can not fixed all problems in all desktop where Cinnamon can be installed. And also they need help like any other free software project ofcourse…

In my personal opinion if you started a project without to have upstream support you will end like other project ending. For example the case of Cinnarch, a flavor of Cinnamon in ArchiLinus.

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Maybe bit off topic.
LMDE 4 had been released. The introduction is somewhat disturbing.

LMDE 4 Debbie

LMDE is a Linux Mint project which stands for “Linux Mint Debian Edition”. Its goal is to ensure Linux Mint would be able to continue to deliver the same user experience, and how much work would be involved, if Ubuntu was ever to disappear. LMDE is also one of our development targets, to guarantee the software we develop is compatible outside of Ubuntu.

if Ubuntu was ever to disappear.

Ubuntu has more unstable versions of packages-like systemd and that nature. Their cinnamon packages would still be latest and Debian would still be behind. If Ubuntu disappeared then we’d just merge in with Debian cinnamon team and maybe there will be Debian spices or something.

I wonder to know what is going to happen in ubuntu now that linuxmint forked libappindicator and modified a series of behaviors. As in Mint there is the fork of libappindicator everything will work fine in cinnamon, but in Ubuntu there is the original Ubuntu version of libappindicator, which lacks of the Mint support.

In other words, everything that is done about it in Cinnamon and that is an advance for Mint will be a regression in ubuntu, because there will be less and less support for the version that has ubuntu of libappindicator and more for the one that has Mint, which are different.

The first relevant loss in ubuntu could be the support for indicators, because now is done by the XApp, all thanks to the libappindicator support to the XApp of the Mint’s version.

I tried to convince them to look for a more universal solution, but I had no luck, sorry.

I love the drag and drop features and app links on the desktop, unlike the useless gnome desktop.
However, without the use of the many gnome extensions, cinnamon becomes undesirable to me.
I doubt that cinnamon can ever keep up with the vast variety of extensions, why not quickly turn gnome extension into cinnamon extensions.