Ubuntu 20th Anniversary - Party Planning

Im hoping off for the night. It’s sleep time now. Talk with you all later.

I’m also want to make sure these Startup or Shutdown effect are available for anyone during Ubuntu’s 20 years.

Go see this link if you want to try out those 2 sound effects on your Ubuntu PC.

Remember, use (pw-play ‘location for an audio file’) if you want to play one of them during a login with Startup Applications.


I got em.
They sound awesome!

Im signing off for the night. Good night.

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Here’s my desktop with this Warty Remastered wallpaper.


I was just about to suggest that you submit your wallpaper concept to our competition and I see you beat me to it! :slight_smile:

I’m also happy to see some great ideas and thoughts on how to celebrate the anniversary!

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That’s great to hear that. :smiley:

I’d already posted my wallpaper that is remastered if you look back in Ubuntu 4.10 in here. Oracular Oriole 24.10 Wallpaper Competition - #5 by romactu1

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Would be pretty nice if there was an option in settings to toggle the startup sound on or off, and select which one to use. Like the original, the 6.10 one or the current Yaru one. I don’t find the shutdown sound too necessary though…

It’ll be great if my designed of Ubuntu 4.10 remastered wallpaper is included in Ubuntu 24.10 due to Ubuntu’s 20th year.

2004 - 2024

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I would love for the iconic Ubuntu drums to make a return. I will certainly pass the idea long to our desktop team.


I also got another wallpaper for Ubuntu’s 20th anniversary.
Some people did remember this back in the day in April 2012.

Remember this wallpaper back in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?


Speaking of which, I see that now the 24.10 daily builds have the original Ubuntu startup sound. So nice to see Ubuntu having a startup sound again! :smile:


Ah, so you found that little anniversary easter egg! :wink:


Me too, I also saw warty brown which it can cause a top bar (aka menu bar) to turn white in light mode, but in dark mode the top bar is still dark.

Yep, it’s really nice!

For now it seems to be bugged but there’s still time

I’ve thought about it and maybe it would be nice to give GDM a brown-ish background color like old Ubuntu used to have:
There was something very welcoming about the old Ubuntu color palette


Here’s original Ubuntu 4.10 login here.

It looks like Ubuntu 6.10 login to me but I like it.
Yes, Ubuntu used to have that.

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Oh and… on a slightly unrelated note: it would be nice if in the future the user could freely switch between the default dark and light (grey) topbar color. Perhaps having 3 selectable styles like in 22.04 would be one way to do it: light would be the current default plus the grey topbar, the default and dark styles would remain unchanged. It would also be nice if the dock would reflect the change as well.

Joey from OMG! Ubuntu finally sees my Warty Wallpaper but it was included as JPG file (It will increase band) instead of as PNG file.

So to remedy that, I created the package called Ubuntu 24.10+ to get a PNG version if you want. It also includes Legacy Plymouth, Ubuntu 12.04 wallpaper and Ubuntu Warty Remastered shutdown sound.

Is to enjoy with Ubuntu’s 20th Anniversary more than ever.

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