Standard Sponsorship packages

From 2021 to 2024, We’ve been drafting sponsorship package details from the scratch every year with different pricing and benefits. To make decisions earlier and faster and also reach out potential sponsors earlier and on-board returning sponsors easier, We have standard sponsorship packages from 2025. All UbuCon Asia events from 2025 and beyond will use this standard pricing table with few more options added based on local team’s needs and some special pricing for local sponsors.

The standard pricing

Package (Slots) Diamond (1 Slot) Gold (2 Slots) Silver (6 Slots) Bronze (Rolling basis) Supporter (Rolling basis)
Price(USD) 10,000 6,000 3,500 1,600 500 - 800
Logo exposures
Website XL L M S S
Plenary banner*0 XL L M S XS
Stage (or Podium) banner Yes Yes Yes No No
Nametag Yes Yes No No No
Video banner*1 Yes Yes No No No
Video sponsor information scene*2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
T-Shirt (or other swag if no T-shirt) Yes Yes No No No
Recognition posting on social media Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition posting on blog Yes Yes No No No
Mention during opening and closing session Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sponsored session*3 A Keynote(30min) + A Workshop(90min), A Talk(30min) or A BoF(40~50min) A Talk(30min) or A Workshop(90min) A 30min Talk A Lightning talk(5min) (Limited FCFS) No
Sponsor booth L M S*4 S*4 (500 USD Add-on FCFS) No
Promotion video during breaks 3min 2min 1min No No
Distribute Promotional Material Handout on attendee check-in + At booth Handout on attendee check-in + At booth At booth At booth (If booth allocated) No
Promotional Email to all Attendees*5 Yes (One-time with custom content) Yes (One-time with custom content) Yes (One-time with custom content) No No


  • *0: A large size banner installed in reception area usually or enterance of the venue that number of attendees can take photo with banner as backdrop.
  • *1: Banner of both live streams and video recordings if sessions will be streams or just on video recordings if not.
  • *2: Duration of Scene will be around a few seconds in the video or live streams.
  • *3: Sponsored sessions are also subject to approval by the UbuCon Asia content team. Sponsors are required to share the Abstract alongside or before availing sponsorship for review. Note that session should be Ubuntu or relevant Open Source topics and need to comply with our Code of Conducts. Also, Sales or marketing pitches are not allowed.
  • *4: Depending on logistics availability, this could be Booth with Size M but with located in less accessible area.
  • *5: If sponsor desires, this could be replaced with “List of participants data with names, affiliation, job profession and email address”. Only data from attendees opt-in to provide their data to sponsors during registration will be provided to sponsors. Attendees will be also informed about data provision to sponsors through registration form and also privacy policy if available.