I have been debating whether to add my thoughts here to this discussion.
I am an ordinary home desktop user, no server or corporate usage of Linux.
But, both on Ubuntu Forums and now here I am seeing, for lack of a better description now, an anti-snap attitude.
I ran an experiment on my Linux box, not nearly as scientific as the data provided by @popey but enlightening nevertheless (at least for me).
On my EndeavourOS install, no snaps, I used the time firefox
command with the following results:
First run: 23s to fully load
Second run: 8s to load
Then I switched to Ubuntu 24.04, with snaps, and ran the same command:
First run: 25s
Second run: 9s
In other words, practically no difference whatsoever.
Without intending any kind of attempt to sway the argument in one direction or another, this is my personal conclusion:
The argument against snaps is more a question of perception, emotional perhaps ideological.
When I first came across Linux in 2005 after watching an interview with Klaus Knopper, creator of Knoppix, I was fascinated by the freedom and choice that Linux offers.
We do not have to use snaps or flatpack or Ubuntu or anything else. In fact, if so inclined, we can even build our own distro with our own package management.
I wish, very sincerely, that people would understand that all these arguments for or against a certain way of doing things can be constructive if used to better improve our experiences.
Sadly, that seems not to be the case in many posts I have seen over the years.
In response to another thread here on another subject, I tested Ubuntu 4.10 in a virtual machine.
What a blast from the past!
But it also helped me realize how far Ubuntu and Linux in general has come from those early days.
Change can be hard to accept sometimes but if we embrace the challenge, we will all benefit.