My previous post about improvements was not clear enough. Didn’t have enough time.
So issues I hit everytime
With a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04 LTS minimal, with no updates there is no syslog to be found when running the steps in the script.
The script dies when running $sunbeam prepare-node-script | bash -x && newgrp snap_daemon,
this fixes the issue:
$ sudo apt install rsyslog
While runing apt, install an easy to use editor, then
sudo “your text editor of choice” etc/hosts
change the entry for the server to include a canonical_hostname with a period in it and then i give the hostname as an alias.
entries go from localhost blackbox-l
to: localhost blackbox-l.home blackbox-l
Without this the services being used do not agree about the hostname and script stops.
Perhaps I have a cheeky solution that is not good enough.
Then I begin to step through the guide.
after running:
sunbeam prepare-node-script | bash -x && newgrp snap_daemon
I check
$ls -al ~/.shh
the will be an entry like:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 snap_daemon … authorized_keys
For the next step to work, this command is needed
chmod 640 ~/.shh/authorized_keys
Then I can run
$sunbeam cluster bootstrap
The nics comment.
I have two nics, its not your issue, but a comment noting how they should be set up could be useful
I want wifi for internet/backplane.
It would be useful to know if the nics need to up or down before/during install, or need to set up in a specific mannner.
For completeness, if anyone else wants to do this.
so I want wifi default routing, so i run:
nmcli connection modify ipv4.route-metric 50 ipv6.route-metric 50
nmcli connection modify ipv4.never-default yes ipv6.never-default yes
(ethernet is default routing turned off, the default fresh install metric for ethernet is 100, by setting the metric for wifi below ethernet i give it priority)
I hope this is useful