Should lo (local loopback) interface also have txqueuelen set to 10000 ? (Regarding guide “How to increase the network bandwidth”)

This question is related to a previous question that I posted back in May: Questions regarding "How to increase the network bandwidth" LXD how-to guide Not sure if I should be posting this follow-up question into that older discussion topic or create a new one… so creating a new topic for this.

Regarding the LXD how-to guide: Production Setup > “How to increase the network bandwidth” at

Should lo (local loopback) interface also have txqueuelen set to 10000 ?

This shouldn’t be necessary since all the traffic from/to instances happens through either:

  1. A network bridge interface (typically lxdbr0);
  2. OVN;
  3. A veth interface (for p2p and routed NICs);
  4. A physical NIC interface on the instance (for physical NIC devices);

And communication requests from other internal processes should use the LXD unix socket so it shouldn’t be necessary to configure lo. If you are having problems increasing network bandwith of LXD please feel free to show more information on the problem (the steps to reproduce the issue and info on your environment).