Proposal: Remove Archive Manager from default install

The fact that you are not able to extract a particular file from a large e.g. zip file on a vanilla Ubuntu install is surreal to me and I think a big mistake.


Why is everyone so obsessed with making non-minimal installs minimal? If I that desperately want to save a few KBs of space, Iā€™d start with a server build and manually install a GUI.

This change is horrible, and is YET ANOTHER thing I now need to tell newcomers to beware of. This hurts SSD writes and goes against 2 decades of muscle memory for practically zero gain. In fact, please enlighten me - what exactly is your perceived gain, here?


Moderator stepping in. This is a nearly two-year-old topic which is driving some vitriol and some borderline Code of Conduct violations. To keep this from escalating any further (and since this is a nearly two year-old proposal which is no longer a proposal since it was finalized and thereā€™s no turning back (!), Iā€™m closing this topic. Thanks for everyone who participated and didnā€™t throw flames. For everyone else, there was plenty of time to express your concerns, but youā€™re nearly two years too late now.