Programs saving every page to disk

This is very strange. Here is what I have done. (this has to do with the discourse thing). I use bitwarden to keep track of my passwords. I went to my ubuntu forum bitwarden and changed the name to discourse.ubuntu, closed the file and then went to bitwarden and logged back, this time to discourse.ubuntu. It came right up and everything is dandy.

Then there was my message about one of my machines which was saving each and every page from anything I used. This included some of the following system things; Firefox, thunderbird, files, etc. This bothers me because the more pages that get saved the slower my machine seemed to get.

I got a reply to this which had to do with firefox saving every page. If I replaced the page it got saved. If I was in firefox every page was saved. I have had virtually every page. I was actually able to remove pages by using the underline ‘_’ which would go to one of the saved and delete just that. It used to be when I replaced a page it went away. For instance, when I went to ‘files’ and did something and finished it saved that page. I have had incidents wherein I have saved up to 40 firefox pages whilst also saving about 20 files as well. When I right clicked I would be told how many copies were available with a option to remove them on (for each). I have several machines, and only one of my machines is doing this. All the rest are not. I think that this is a system problem and not firefox, etc. I also think that I screwed something up when I was going through my system settings. What I need is to know what I screwed up so I can fix it.

This may be just something one of my machines is doing that others are not and something I get to live with. However, I also think that I was warned, once, when I was messing with settings that something like this was going to start but I just ignored it and now don’t know what it was or where it was.

Anyway, appreciate anything anybody might know, otherwise I will just ignore it and occasionally just delete them all.

I am not familiar with this discourse thing so I really have little to say about it. It is strange, however. I have been messing with this stuff for a lot of years and when things I am used to get changed I always have the same thought - Why? I used to write a lot of code (long time ago). I have decided that, most of the time, when stuff gets changed its because there are programmers that don’t have enough to do. Probably wrong, just saying

I hear this said a lot about many things, and it’s just not true in most cases, and certainly not in this case. The short version is the old ubuntu forums ran on software called vbulletin. This site uses software called Discourse.

There was (for long, tedious historical and technical reasons) no “easy” upgrade path for the vbulletin users on Ubuntu Forums. So a conversation was had to migrate from an old platform to a new - well supported - modern platform.

Not changing for the sake of change. But changing to keep the platform running on a supported, performant, and secure platform.

Hope that helps explain it.


I was wondering why someone was seeking support & help on a Windows problem (topic title) on a Ubuntu community site. I see nothing in this topic related to Windows. Unless the Windows are web site pages.

Clicking on the hamburger icon (3 horizontal lines) in Firefox opens a menu. Select History reveals a list of web sites visited over specific periods. We can clear the history.

I doubt if Firefox is saving a lot of Data. The web site internet address and a small image of the web site opening page. That is about all.

There is a Manage History option. It seems that Firefox saves the user’s internet activity for a period of three months.

I have not noticed any slowing down of my machine.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Installation problem

There are extensions for Firefox which save every web page you visit, perhaps you installed one of those. You can check under Settings → “Extensions & Themes” → Extensions and disable if there is one.

Could anyone (a mod) change the title of this thread ? the OP is not about windows at all and i fear we’ll get more and more windows related questions with such a generic title 

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Done. And several posts on another topic have been moved to a separate thread.