Plese let me introduce myself

Hello, I am Nelson, living near Lisboa, Portugal. And that is exactly in this beautiful region called Comporta where I am, enjoying the summer environment while writing this introduction.

As a Python lover, I must confess that I only know Ubuntu in the context of yaml files for automated testing, however, I use Git with Bash commands on Windows which I could say is a good start :sweat_smile:

I found the group following a job application, so I would like to know more about the Ubuntu Community and contribute in the best way possible. I used to do it already in other open-source projects on GitHub so I wish I could contribute here with QA tests or even work on docs.

Any insights you believe can be good for me to start would be a good help.
Thank you very much


HI Nelson -

Welcome to our world. We try to make all better :smiley:
As a place to start learning where you may make contributions to Ubuntu, I direct your attention to:


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Hey @bashing-om :wave:
This seems awesome! I will explore it.
Thank you very much :smiley:

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Hi Nelson! Welcome to the Ubuntu Discourse!
I hope that we can get you to participate on a Ubuntu Portugal activity soon.

If you’re interested, then pay attention to our discourse seciont at:

and to the events calendar where we announce our actitivities:

By the way the Ubucon Portugal 2024 will be on the 12th of October in Aveiro. I hope to see you there, maybe you can propose a talk or even a Python workshop?
Details at:

Hope to shake your hand soon!


Hey @diogoconstantino :smiley:

Thank you, thank you very much for considering me for the challenge, I appreciate that and of course, I am interested :partying_face:

I could for example talk about Object-Oriented Programming in Python and its 4 pillars. Why did I choose this topic? Because it is a central topic that is traversal to pretty much everything we do in that language, from the simple assigned variable to the concepts of the different namespaces. It is cool :smiley:

However, we should discuss the possibilities for the event in Aveiro, once as a job seeker, I am struggling financially a little bit right now :sweat_smile:

Maybe we should talk in private. Can we?

Thank you very much once again Diogo