Please test autoinstalls for 20.04!

I’m trying to get this to work with a more complex LVM setup, but I get a general error during installation. The user-data file parses and validates correctly it would seem, since I’m offered the chance to type “yes” and begin the autoinstall, but I just get an install_fail error from Subiquity after it sets up the partitions.

I’ve tried to reduce this down to what I think is the simplest version of this possible, so I can get it to work before I set up a much more complex layout with more LVM volumes, but I can’t work out what I’m doing wrong here to have it fail:

Edit: I worked out what i was doing wrong and have replaced my storage: section below with a working one. For reference, if anyone faces similar issues in the future, make sure that the device: keys in your mount: stanzas reference the id field from your format stanza, and don’t reference the partition or LVM volume directly.

    version: 1
      - id: disk_sda
        grub_device: true
        name: main_disk
        path: /dev/sda
        ptable: gpt
        type: disk
        wipe: superblock
      - id: part_esp
        type: partition
        size: 600M
        device: disk_sda
        flag: esp
      - id: part_boot
        type: partition
        size: 1GB
        device: disk_sda
        flag: boot
      - id: part_lvm
        device: disk_sda
        size: 20G
        type: partition
      - id: vg_ubuntu
        name: vg_ubuntu
        type: lvm_volgroup
          - part_lvm
      - id: lv_root
        name: lv_root
        size: 16G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg_ubuntu
      - id: fs_esp
        type: format
        fstype: fat32
        volume: part_esp
      - id: fs_boot
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: part_boot
      - id: fs_root
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lv_root
      - id: mount_root
        type: mount
        path: /
        device: fs_root
      - id: mount_boot
        type: mount
        path: /boot
        device: fs_boot
      - id: mount_esp
        type: mount
        path: /boot/efi
        device: fs_esp
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