Thanks for asking for comments on this intended replacement for preseeding. This looks like it could work well, I think.
I have, however, not (yet?) compared this automation mechanism against the myriad of features debian-installer (d-i) preseeding supports, so may have missed important features that are lacking on the current draft of autoinstalls. When server-live installer was introduced it was lacking some much requested features which were available in d-i. Scripted installations should allow (at least the same level of but better) more flexibility than interactive installers, so care needs to be taken to not miss features that many of those currently using d-i would expect to see. (This said, overcomplicating configurations and enabling configurations during installations which could just as well be done after booting into the installed system should be prevented, too.) Only then will current d-i preseed users embrace autoinstalls and may actually want to spend the additional person hours required to migrate to autoinstalls.
My thoughts on the documentation:
when the answer to a question is not present in a preseed, d-i stops and asks the user for input. autoinstalls are not like this: if there is any autoinstall config at all, the installer takes the default for any unanswered question (and fails if there is no default).
It would be nice to have a switch which, if set, prevents the use of defaults, causing the installer to fail if settings are not provided in an autoinstall file. This could help debugging, preventing that undesired defaults are used without the administrator noticing. Autoinstalls could log (to a serial console? to an ssh shell?) the settings that were not found in the autoinstall file (and where defaults were assumed).
Generally, much thought should go into how installation errors resulting from missing or incorrect data in autoinstall files can be prevented, and, if prevention is not possible, how critical failures can be presented to the user in a way that is easy to access, and easy to understand / interpret. Ideally in a presentation format that is understandable by both humans and machines (large installations on heterogenous systems will need to analyze and handle single autoinstall failures which occur only due to hardware issues). This is an aspect where preseeded d-i has been lacking, and where autoinstall could shine.
It would also be desirable to have every manual server installation produce an autoinstall.yml file based on users’ choices made during the installation, stored on the target file system (e.g. at /var/log/installer/${hostname}_autoinstall.yml), so that reinstalling this server as an autoinstall will be easy, and clones can also be created with minimal modifications.