ODH-023: How to encourage engineers to write their own documentation

Open Documentation Hour, recorded 2nd August 2024.

In this recording, we discuss various strategies for helping software engineers write, and take ownership over, more documentation.

Huge thank you to @akonev for running this session. The slides can be found here.

00:00 Welcome
00:10 Updates
01:00 Submit your documents!
02:30 Artem starts
02:41 Encouraging engineers to write their own documentation
03:00 Outline
04:00 Build-up: rethink the framing
04:21 Build-up: scope
07:40 Build-up: limitations and prerequisites
12:00 Build-up: toppling false assumptions
14:40 Strategies: mix and match
14:50 Strategies: enforce!
18:40 Strategies: educate
22:00 Strategies: collaborate
26:53 Strategies: grease
29:00 Fun stuff time!
31:30 Surrender your shadow docs!
32:00 Questions
33:00 Strategies for teaching
39:00 Diplomacy and soft skills
41:00 Collaboration is key
43:00 Avoiding the happy paths
44:30 Happy paths aren’t always intentional
49:10 How to you help engineers understand the role of a TA