So long as you are trying we will keep on trying to help.
The big stumbling block is being able to see where to focus attention - we do need to see that file system allocation output.
When I run “nc” this is what results:
sysop@Xm2404:~$ sudo du -sx * | sort -h | nc 9999
[sudo] password for sysop:
Note that the result here is a URL ( - that you too can open to get an idea of what to expect… When you run the command you should get a different URL result. Pass your link back here. We then access the link to see the directory sizes.
I got a file from termbin in tty/mode, but since I dont knew hot to get the adress
to Ubuntu Try (UT), I tested terminal mode in UT and got the following>
I do not know if that is relevant or if it reflects UT
du: cannot access ‘proc/5867/task/5867/fd/4’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access ‘proc/5867/task/5867/fdinfo/4’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access ‘proc/5867/fd/3’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access ‘proc/5867/fdinfo/3’: No such file or directory
It reflects the Try Ubuntu system only.
The Try Ubuntu system does NOT include your storage device by default. You must mount your storage device for the results to be useful.
Good job getting results into termbin!
Mount your storage device and try again.
The /proc errors are normal. Ignore those.
I hope that I understand you right. I mounted all partitions I found in the system when using UT. Then applied I got following link. I do not have any flash except the UT on the system. And a printer.
I have removed all old log-files from ver 3 and down, except boot and system.
I tried to install lightdm but the system still says that there are not enough space on archives.
I have got a new message, it started when I was to log in, but I managed to override it and
could log in to tty without problem.
But the message comes again when I issued the rm .
The message has one up-counting part and one fixed.
Example: [445.464500] iwlwifi 0000:06:00.0: Not associated and the time event is over already…
The message is repeated but the number in the beginning is increasing >So next number is
It seems that I have found a code without knowing …
gogol8 still appears as the “Try Ubuntu” boot, rather than the actual install.
Are you accessing the internet via a wired or WIFI connection ?
I can accept if WFI - AND the logs are being hammered by WIFI errors, it is a leading cause of no disk space.
What we need here is you booted into the install to any type of terminal and the URL from:
I have a wired internet connection.
The problem has become worse and I have to squeeze my commandos between interruptions in the list. There are a lot of different info that now are being displayed. Not only the example I gave before, but other types.I am sorry I cant give you any samples because I dont know how to take it from the tty to UT.
Anyway I did a termbin from UT and here is the URL:
Is that what you expected?
Not at all what I expect.
As an example - this is the output from my stable system when (c)hange (d)irectory to /
du: cannot access 'proc/7867/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
0 bin
0 dev
0 lib
0 lib64
0 proc
0 sbin
0 sys
4 bin.usr-is-merged
4 cdrom
4 lib.usr-is-merged
4 sbin.usr-is-merged
4 srv
8 media
8 mnt
16 lost+found
36 snap
188 tmp
1512 run
2084 root
7404 etc
184788 boot
343084 opt
3094832 home
3435400 var
3760668 usr
8388612 swap.img
Note here there is no listing for rofs nor cdrom and as well the directories of mine that are heavily populated. Your output with these directories leads to the conclusion that you are issuing the command from the USB boot.
well, since I do not know how to export the termin file, or a screen dump, from tty into the UT environment where I can let you see it, it is the core problem. If I can do that I can probably give you much more info.
How can I move the termin file to a partition that the UT can read? I think that all those partitions are on nvme1 and the system are on nvme0. Do tty support screen dumps?
You are miss understanding the whole point to use “nc” ; that uploads the output to the paste site termbin.
When you run the command in the terminal the out put is posted to termbin, Termbin returns a URL back to your terminal:
sysop@Xm2404:~$ sudo du -sx * | sort -h | nc 9999
[sudo] password for sysop:
Like this ^. Here in my example the URL is
Anyone can now access that termbin file to read the content via any web browser,
Another — I do not understand what the term “UT” that you use means,
I did a fresh file. But the first time I issued the command I just get the proc… fault and no file.
Then I issued the command again and then I got ,after the fault message, the following
Now we have some idea of where to go and what might be done,
OK back to home:
Some very large directories.
As we want to trim fat from the system; I suggest starting in the /home directory.
Let’s see what the space hogs are:
du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -20
Pay attention - note in this invocation of “du” we do not apply sudo authorization // as you own all files in this directory. Using sudo here can and does result in undesired side effects !
What is presented this time is the 20 largest space hogs in your /home. Consider what can be removed.
We can do the same with the /opt /usr/ and /var (sudo for these does apply) directories.
I issued the command and got the list. But since I don’t have back-up on these directories and the UT says they are empty (content hidden??) but the files in them are of value, I need a way to move or back-up before remove. E.g I have one large data partition with almost 600GiB that
are reported as 151 GiB, which is about the file content I can see in tty-mode. UT says empty. If I can safely move the files to a better place, I think 151 GiB can do something. There are more directories possible but it is the same story, I need the files.
I am more than happy that you are patient with me and continue advising me.
It is 2 o’clock AM and I need my beauty sleep, but I will continue tomorrow.
Please, if you find that we are in a dead end tell me and I will reinstall Ubuntu even with loss
of data. It is only the data in the system partition that I don’t have backed up.
We are no where close to any dead end
It’s ubuntu > given time, effort, and a live environment - it is always fixable. Just how low do you want to go ?
Getting some free disk space does not have to come from home - we can explore some of the other options.
Once the system is stable, however, there is a need to insure the file system is in a consistent state - over 95% usage and files can get scattered about, We deal with this in due time.