More variety of wallpapers for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Generally in the Ubuntu community the term “team” refers to an open (non-exclusive) group that shares a common interest and is willing to share a workload. A “team” of volunteer artists and photographers would be open to all interested folks. I suspect @madhens was using the term “team” in that historically-used and commonly-accepted sense.

Also keep in mind that the Ubuntu Code of Conduct strongly discourages exclusivity.


@ian-weisser beat me to it, but yes. I used team in the volunteer/open to all sense, but text can be ambiguous sometimes. Thank you for asking for clarification, and thanks for joining the conversation here on Discourse! And regardless of whether we had this team or not, the wallpaper contest is something we want to keep, even as we keep improving on it and keep it open to all.


I think I wrote this before (long time) but I’ll write it again.
Make the contest easier for people to find it - the best idea coming to my mind is to create an e-mail subscription for only contests (not only wallpapers but anything else that the community would like to contribute - video, audio, whatever).
Idk what the Ubuntu newsletter includes now but that would be very helpful.